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My name is John. Thanks for visiting my website. We designed this to assist Bible readers of all kinds—whether you are new to the Bible, a skeptic, or a lifelong student of one of the best-selling and most translated books in human history.  Whatever your situation this site can be helpful. Let me tell you my story.


As a freshman in college, I began reading through the Bible one chapter a day. At first, I wasn't convinced it was true, but I was sure an "educated" person should read it at least once. Three years later, when I finished reading I was persuaded of its truth and had placed my faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of sinners like me. I began a lifelong practice of reading through the Scriptures usually on an annual basis.


Many people have a high regard for the Bible but struggle to stick with personal reading long enough to finish reading the whole book.  With those people in mind I started a daily blog to encourage them by showing that no matter where you are reading in the Bible there is always something to be learned and applied to life.  The Psalmist said, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” Ps. 119:105.


The daily readings and my comments turned into two books which are available here.

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© 2024 by John A. Carroll - website design by Buffalo Creek Designs

Portrait Photography by Tess Dryzmala

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