Today’s reading: Jeremiah 38:1-41:15
My selection: Jeremiah 38:5
King Zedekiah said, “Behold, he is in your hands, for the king can do nothing against you.”
My reflections: Zedekiah is the poster boy for the weak leader, one who will not take a stand on principles as he tries to just get along with everyone. He would not defend Jeremiah from his enemies, but later he secretly consulted Jeremiah and tried to hide his sympathies from the public. In the end Zedekiah saved neither the kingdom nor himself (39:1 ff). He stands in stark contrast to Jeremiah who listened to the Lord and fearlessly proclaimed the truth.
Both Zedekiah and Jeremiah were given responsibilities. Both suffered as a result of the circumstances of their time. But Jeremiah suffered for doing what was right, boldly announcing what God had revealed and prescribing the best course of action. Zedekiah was wishy-washy, always trying to avoid problems, suffering, and confrontations. He failed to make hard decisions and he suffered greatly: bereavement, blindness, and captivity.
My challenge: Proverbs 28:1 says, “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Choose wisely and prayerfully the issues for which you take a stand. Then, be bold as a lion for what is right.
Tomorrow’s reading: Jeremiah 41:16-45:5