Ezekiel shows us the stunning contrast of spiritual death and God’s power. His life-giving power overcomes even hopeless death.
If you are following and are on schedule with the Through the Bible Book by Book in 2018 schedule recommended here on this blog site you should be somewhere in the book of the Prophet Ezekiel. Below are some of my reflections on the famous passage in Ezekiel 37 about the Valley of Dry Bones.[1]
I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord. Ezekiel 37:6 (ESV)
My Reflections
There is no more vivid picture of the spiritual death of Israel than the one before us here. There is no more vivid picture of the power of God to bring new life to the spiritually dead than the one before us here. Side by side we see hopeless death overcome by God’s life-giving power.
Face Reality
It is necessary for Israel to understand how helpless and destitute she is. She is not merely weak or sick; she is dead. It is necessary to see that God alone can bring her life. And He will.
Recognize God’s Power
Paul in Ephesians 2:1-9 (KJV) pointed out that the Christians to whom he wrote had been “dead in trespasses and sins” before being saved by grace through faith. But God made them alive together with Christ. God brings life to the dead by the preaching of His Word to dry bones and by His Spirit breathing life into those skeletons.
My Challenge
Preachers must faithfully proclaim the gospel even when the hearers are dead. They must rely on the Spirit to breathe life into those dead hearers. God delights in showing His power in bringing the dead to life so that those who see this miracle know that He is the Lord.
Do not neglect the preaching of the word of God. Do not neglect to pray for the Spirit to breathe life into the dead. He delights to show His power in the most hopeless situations. Miracles still happen in the valley of dry bones.
[1] taken from Cover to Cover: through the Bible in 365 Days (Second Edition), John A Carroll, 2014, 2018 p. 310 with permission. Available here.