Today’s reading: Genesis 18-19; Matthew 6
What should we be worried about? To put it another way, what’s really important?
If God had not revealed His holiness and His will to us through special revelation (i.e. the Bible), we would be clueless. A secular, materialistic mindset tells us to live for ourselves (like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah). “Give no thought to God but only to indulging your own desires. What judgment?” they say.
Lot learned the hard way that God can reduce you to nothing in an instant. What should we be worried about? Not trying to hang on to this world, our position, our stuff.
Jesus told His disciples not to worry about their lives, but to focus on the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
It’s time for a reality check. What’s important? It’s supremely important to seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Food, drink and clothing are necessary. God knows that, but seeking His kingdom is the priority. He will see that we do not lack what we need.
And we do not get what we need by phony prayer chants. God is not moved by many words and empty phrases. The prayer Jesus taught was simple, brief, and thoughtful. Prayer should honor God by following those guidelines.
What is important?
A single-minded focus on the eternal, glorious, righteous Kingdom of God.
Simple prayer.
Lord, help me to keep this straight today.
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